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Platemark Episodes

Feb. 25, 2025

s3e75 posters vs prints with Angelina Lippert

In this episode of Platemark, Ann sits down with Angelina Lippert, a poster historian and the curator and director of Poster House, to discuss the inception and growth of the first museum in the U.S. dedicated exclusively to the art and history of posters.

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Jan. 2, 2024

s3e47 behind-the-scenes at Rago Auctions with Adam McCoy

Leading off 2024’s series three episodes is s3e47 in which Platemark host Ann Shafer speaks with Adam McCoy, Senior Specialist in Fine Art, Rago Auctions. Adam has worked in various auction houses for many years, including Christies and...

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Nov. 21, 2023

s3e44 on the importance of art in hospitals for patients and staff wi…

There's often a ton of art in medical spaces, but who are the curators of those health system collections? In s3e44, Platemark host Ann Shafer speaks with Naomi Huth, chief curator and director of the art collection for NYC Health + Hospitals. Held...

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Sept. 5, 2023

s3e35 behind-the-scenes at ULAE with director Larissa Goldston

In s3e35, Platemark host Ann Shafer talks with Larissa Goldston, director and owner of Universal Limited Art Editions, usually referred to by its acronym ULAE. We talk about ULAE’s founder Tatyana Grosman, and her harrowing escape from first Siberia...

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April 11, 2023

s3e23 on running a not-for-profit art center with Kimberly Henrikson,…

In Platemark s3e23, host Ann Shafer speaks with Kimberly Henrikson, Executive Director, Center for Contemporary Printmaking in Norwalk, CT. CCP offers myriad services from contract printing, to artist’s residencies, classes, workshops, and...

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March 28, 2023

s3e22 on running The Gallery at The Met Store with Laura Einstein

In Platemark s3e22, host Ann Shafer talks with Laura Einstein, manager of the Gallery at the Met Store. Tucked away on the mezzanine of the bookstore at the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a gallery space where limited edition, fine art prints are...

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Aug. 2, 2022

s3e5 Miranda Metcalf, podcaster

In s3e5, Ann Shafer talks with fellow podcaster and print lover Miranda Metcalf, whose show, Hello, Print Friend, is the internet's most popular podcast about prints and printmaking.

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June 7, 2022

s3e1 Paula Panczenko and Russell Panczenko

In this first episode of series 3 (interviews with luminaries of the print ecosystem), Ann Shafer and Ben Levy sit down with Paula Panczenko, executive director of Tandem Press, and Russell Panczenko, retired director of the Chazen Museum of Art. Both entities are affiliated with the University of …

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