Images reset--a technological bump in the road

So, y'all know I've taught myself all of the tech stuff to create this podcast. The learning curve has been steep, but not insurmountable. I feel super strongly that including images for you to look at while listening is critical to the experience. If you go back to older episodes, you will find the images missing. This latest snafu will take some time to correct. Apologies across the board.
To understand all of this, let me describe the process. I use Libsyn to publish the audio episodes. Libsyn creates the RSS feed that is picked up by Apple, Spotify, etc. (The video versions are loaded to YouTube and are separate from this audio episode process.) Platemark's website is hosted by PodPage. It pulls the RSS feed from Libsyn on drop day, including the description and show notes. PodPage turns around and creates an episode page. I have always added the images after the PodPage page is generated, editing the show notes there. This, it turns out, was the wrong thing to do.
Due to another snafu with Canva (don't ask), I had to reset the RSS feed in April 2023, which means PodPage pulled all the episodes once again from Libsyn. Anything I edited locally in PodPage is gone. All the images from episodes published prior to the reset are gone.
I do not know why I thought adding all the images in Libsyn wasn't where they should go. I think it was because when I look at Apple podcasts, it cuts off the shownotes text. I assumed that text needed to be kept short. I now know they need to be added in Libsyn, the RSS feed aggregator, and not PodPage, the website builder. So I must go back and add images for 50-some episodes in Libsyn and get PodPage to regrab all the episodes. Fun!
As I was just thinking about taking a bit of a summer break, I find I now have some catching up to do. Apologies to my guests. I will re-add the images as soon as I am able.